Windows 10 All texttospeech voices Part V Microsoft Speech Platform in SAPI5
The 5th part to this series. Believe it or not, it is actually possible to port the Microsoft Speech Platform voices from Microsoft Server TTS to SAPI5 thanks to the help of some people of the download link below. • Download Microsoft Server Speech TTS Voices for SAPI: • Why aren't the voices being displayed as they are in this video? • I changed the naming of the voices to be consistent with the Microsoft SAPI5 format of how voices are labeled via the Windows Registry. You should not do this unless you absolutely know what you are doing. Changing the wrong entries could damage your voices, or, if you go to the wrong key, potentially damage Windows entirely. • How to install the voices: • Installing the voices is very easy. Firstly, you will see your preinstalled voices. After installed voices, you will see a list of available English Speech Platform voices. It wouldn't be necessary to install Hazel or Heera since they already come with Windows 10. Choose the voice you want to install and then click the install button to install the voice. It will ask if you're sure you want to install the voice, click yes. It will then install the Microsoft Speech Platform API, the voice files for the selected voice for both x86 and x64, and will apply registry entries for SAPI5 to both the x86 and x64 SAPI5 engines. After installation, repeat these steps from selecting a different voice until you have installed all of the voices you want, then exit the application. You should now see new entries to your voice list in SAPI5 called Microsoft Server Speech Text-to-Speech Voice (en-US, Helen) for example. • Watch the other parts: • Part 1: • [2020 Reupload] Windows 10 - All text... • Part 2: • [2020 Reupload] Windows 10 - All text... • Part 3: • [2020 Reupload] Windows 10 - All text... • Part 4: • Windows 10 - All text-to-speech voice... • • Message me on Discord: Windows Electronic101#5925 • Join my Discord server: / discord • • Subscribe to my channel: / @winelectronic101 • • Check out TheROFL98's Channel: / therofl98 • Check out FairPlay137's Channel: / @fairplay137-tts • • Always remember to like, comment, favorite, share, subscribe, and slap that notification bell in the face for more content like this.