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In this episode, we discuss what is a homeowners association (HOA) and what purpose does it serve as well as its responsiblities. 💬 Remember to get your FREE guide from the experts before buying your next home: http://stories.brookfieldresidential.... • About this video: • Wondering what is the purpose and responsibilities of a Homeowner's Association? Who is involved and how do you join? In this episode, we discuss what is a Homeowner's Association (HOA), what does it include and the amenities they provide. We also explore rules, governance and when an HOA is created. This is part 1 of our 2 part series on Homeowner's Association. • #homeownersassociation #HOA #homeowners • 👀Watch to learn more about the responsibilities of a condo board: • Role of a condo board: What they do a... • ✍️ Prefer to read or need to take notes? See the transcripts: • https://stories.brookfieldresidential... • 👉SUBSCRIBE TO THIS CHANNEL to get the latest tips, strategies, and tactics for home buying: • 📔 If you want to learn more advice and tips for first time home buyers, watch other videos in the playlist: • Playlist