Awesome Simple Upgrade for Radio Shack Realistic Minimus 7 Speakers
You can easily improve the sound of the classic Realistic/Radio Shack Minimus 7 bookshelf speakers, simply by removing the crappy bipolar electrolytic capacitor in the crossover and replacing it with a plastic film capacitor. • This simple modification opens up the midrange and smooths treble, which is remarkable, given that we are talking about changing one simple part. • Bipolar electrolytic capacitors are cheap, but best avoided, especially in the signal path. • Liquid Audio is a specialist hi-fi equipment repairer based in Perth, Western Australia. To book your hi-fi equipment for some TLC or to check out all the latest hi-fi service, repair and restoration content, visit: • ► Website: • Our Hall of Shame is always good for a laugh and for more about why a robust technical approach is critically important: • ► Website: • Visit our contact page for service, repair and restoration enquiries: • ► Contact us: