The Lore of Elden Ring is Rotten


The Lore of Elden Ring is a challenge that will likely never be wholly understood. We've worked on it for years already, and there's still so much left - not to mention the added Lore of Shadow of the Erdtree. So, to help organise your thoughts, and to help you sleep, work, or relax, we've compiled all our videos on Elden Ring Lore from before the DLC released. We talk about the fundamentals of the world itself, such as the nature of Color, or the Erdtree, the stories of characters you meet and their philosophical impact, such as Patches or Morgott, and a whole bunch of other topics, like the geography of the land, the hidden importance of Snakes or the unique culture of Perfumers. • We loved putting this together, and hope you enjoy. • Support the channel to help make videos like this possible, and to get various rewards including early-access to upcoming videos or exclusive Lore Before Bed episodes! • Patreon: • YouTube Membership:    / @hawkshaw   • Soundtracks can be found in the original videos' descriptions! • Chapters • 00:00:00 Introduction • 00:01:05 Colour Theory of Elden Ring:    • The Color Theory of Elden Ring | Elde...   • 01:54:26 Boggart's Story:    • Boggart 🍤 : The Prawns tell a Story |...   • 02:16:33 Perfumers Omenkillers:    • Perfumers and Omenkillers Deep Dive |...   • 03:11:21 Morgott's Story:    • Morgott: His Story Explained | Elden ...   • 03:49:57 The Erdtree:    • The Erdtree: Explained! (A Philosophi...   • 04:29:50 Mapping the World:    • Elden Ring Lore | Mapping the World   • 05:00:26 Dominula:    • The Killer Women of Dominula ➤ Explai...   • 05:08:40 The Real Patches:    • The Real Patches | Elden Ring Lore   • 05:25:56 The Snake Iceberg:    • Elden Ring's Snake Iceberg | Elden Ri...   • 06:42:04 Lionel's Story:    • Elden Ring Lore | Lionel Deep Dive   • 06:57:30 The Ancestral Followers:    • Elden Ring Lore | The Ancestral Follo...      • Elden Ring Lore | The Ancestral Follo...   • 08:41:37 Just their Public Persona LBB:    • Just their Public Persona | Elden Rin...   • 08:56:39 Stars, Fate The Senses LBB:    • Stars, Fate   The Senses | Elden Ring...   • Special thanks to Hawk Emperor tier Supporters: Daniel S, Daniel G, Via Et Veritas Et Vita, Lurifax Jess Simpson • and additional thanks to Hawk Lord tier Supporters: Ethan L, Matt A, Domnhall13, Spencer H, Stuck In Time, Not a Snek, Dylan, JZ, tgod, Tetsaiga, Alex A, Alex G, Fungeon, Zom6ieSlayer, Domhnall13, Widogast, Murat, Corey, Connor, roblabla, Merlee, Muppet, Patrick, Agosto • #eldenringlore #eldenring #gaming #shadowoftheerdtree • Hawkshaw.


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