Measuring Frieds Frailty Phenotype
Ageism is when assumptions about what happens in older age lead to prejudice, discrimination, and exclusion of older people in many areas of life. We need to break free from ageism! • Campaign with us to ensure that everyone knows how to recognise stereotyping and discrimination, and help us inspire others to take action to challenge it. Get involved here: • This video is also available in: • Arabic • Break free from ageism. (Arabic) • Burmese • Break free from ageism. (Burmese) • German • Break free from Ageism (German) • Portuguese • Break free from ageism. (Portuguese) • Russian • Break free from ageism. (Russian) • Spanish • Break free from ageism. (Spanish) • We have seen decision-makers and media stereotype older people as frail and vulnerable. And we have seen many governments put age-based restrictions in place, which means these stereotypes are perpetuated. • As we grow older our lives do not become disposable. Older people are us. They are our family members, our caregivers, our workers and neighbours. We need decision-makers to listen to what older people have to say, and ensure they have equal access to prevention measures, support and services, wherever they live. • #COVID19 #ExposeAgeism