Study Noun Modifiers Explained In American English English Grammar Lessons
Adjectives modify nouns. In other words, they change a quality or states of being of a noun. Adjectives also describe the quantity of nouns. Words like hundreds, many, a few, ten. These are all used to describe how many or how much. • 0:00 Intro. • 0:12 Adjectives as Noun Modifiers. • 0:38 Adjectives Describe The Quantity of Nouns. • 0:50 How Many and How Much. • 1:02 Adjectives Describe Nouns, Pronouns and Feelings. • 1:15 Noun Modifier Explained. • 1:50 Quantifiers and Nouns Explained. • 3:00 Travel to a Warm Country Example. • Adjectives as Noun Modifiers. What is a modifier? Well, it's a word that changes another word. That's all. Thanks to Larisa English Club dot com. Adjectives modify nouns. In other words, they change a quality, state of being of a noun. Kind of simple stuff. Adjectives also describe the quantity of nouns. Things like hundreds, many, a few, ten. Those explain or help describe quantities of nouns. These are all used to describe how many or how much right? Remember that adjectives describe nouns, pronouns and feelings. Adjectives do not describe adverbs, verbs or other adverbs. Adjectives describe nouns and feelings. Here are some noun modifier examples. Can you find the modifier and noun? • Is she wearing a new dress? • New is a modifier. • Why? Well I could say, • Hey! Is she wearing an old dress? • Is she wearing a blue dress? • Is she wearing a large or small dress? You see? • I'm using adjectives to modify the noun dress. Right? • Is he riding his red bike? You see? • Red modifies the word bike. • We use quantifiers. • We use adjectives to help us modify a noun. • Is it a red bike? • A blue bike? • A green bike? You see? • Each one of those colors are adjectives. • And they're also considered a modifier because • they help us further describe a noun. • Is it an old car? Old, you see? • Hey! Are you having a good time at the party? • Time. Good time. • Yes I am. • No I'm not. • Are they going to have a long vacation? • Long, long, short. • Are they going to have a short vacation? • Vacation is a is a noun. Right? So. • Are they going to have a long vacation? • Again, long modifies the noun. • Are we eating spicy pizza for dinner? • Yes, we are. Of course we are. • I love spicy pizza. • So, are we going to eat spicy pizza? • Of course we are. • Am I traveling to a warm country? • Again, the word warm is a modifier. • It's an adjective and it helps to • explain, describe country. • Here are some noun quantity modifiers. • Can you find the modifiers? • How many people are at this party? • There are 100 people here. You see? • People, that's a noun. • Person, people. Right? • People more than one. • Person one. • There are 100. • 100 is a modifier. • How much sugar do we have? • We have one pound. You see? • One pound of. • That is also a quantifier. • And it helps us describe sugar. Right? • That's also called by the way, a partitive. • We have one pound of. • We have one gallon of. • We have one bottle of. • We have one package of. • Those are called. What did I say? • Those are called partitives. • Partitives. • How many bottles of water did you buy? • I bought five five bottles of water. • Oh my gosh! Five! • Five is your quantifier. • And it helps us describe bottle. • How much coffee would you like? • Just one cup please. So. • Cup is a noun. • One is your modifier. • How many cars do you own? • I have just two. Not really. • I actually don't drive. • To tell you the truth. • We live inside a big city. • So we take the bus. • It's true. • And how much money do you have? • I have $20. • Twenty, that's your modifier. Right? • That is a noun modifier. • Dollar is a noun. • How many rooms does your flat have? • My flat has three rooms. • Hey! That's true. • How much juice do you drink in the morning? • Well, I usually have two glasses. • Glass or glasses. • One or many and the word two. • That's your noun modifier. • Two is a noun modifier. • Hey! There's a lot more to • this subject of adjectives. • This was really a short lesson. • It's just part of a series of explanations for English. • How much and how many are • quantifiers in the English. • Ask your teacher to explain this subject further. • I want to thank you for joining me today. • #nounmodifier #nounadjective #describingwords #englishlesson #englishgrammar #americanenglish #learnenglish #studyenglish #reflexivepronouns #Indefinitepronouns #possessivepronouns #modifiers #modifiersinenglishgrammar • Spoken English and grammar study for all ESL students and English speakers too! • Download my 6 FREE books here; • English book recommendation; • Please subscribe to our channel; / americanenglish2020 • English is so important for students to study! Jobs, education, family, and travel are all reasons to study and speak fluently. Have fun and learn English fast with our video lessons. Visit our site for 100 free English lessons at