How To Self Test For Cholesterol
from the website • • One important area of personal health management is testing your cholesterol levels. • • Anyone over 20 should have their levels checked and there is now a range of over the counter home tests that can monitor these accurately. If in doubt, ask your pharmacist which test is most suitable before you buy. The kits will come with easy to follow instructions, and give accurate results in about three minutes. Make sure you read the manufacturers guidelines carefully before proceeding with any tests. • • The kit should contain the sealed test, a lancet, plaster and the set of instructions. • • High cholesterol significantly increases the risk of having a heart attack. Cholesterol is an oily substance which is a building block for manufacturing many of the body's vital chemicals. • • The main reason for high cholesterol levels in this country is a poor or unhealthy diet. It's important to know what your cholesterol level is, as high levels can go undetected for a long time and become noticeable when it blocks blood vessels. • • There are two types of cholesterol in the body - LDL, which deposits cholesterol in arteries of the heart. HDL type actually removes cholesterol from the blood, reducing the risk of a heart attack. • • Some test kits show total cholesterol, others total and HDL cholesterol levels. Results on most kits are easy to interpret, reporting low, Ok or high levels. • • Ideally measure your cholesterol on an empty stomach. Some kits require you to fast for 12 hours before carrying out the test. • • The kit gives you all the equipment needed to collect a finger prick sample of whole blood - if your cholesterol levels are high, you must consult your GP for further tests, and if you have any concerns about the test itself, you should seek advice from a medical professional.