Psoriasis Explained Psoriasis Causes and Symptoms 2020
Psoriasis Explained | Psoriasis Causes and Symptoms [2020] What do Kim Kardashian, LeAnn Rimes, and Cyndi Lauper all have in common? Psoriasis. What is psoriasis? Is it more than just skin deep? • Get your FREE Healthy Habits Guide! • ⭐⭐ MORE DR. FRITA VIDEOS ⭐⭐ • ✅ What Is Coronavirus COVID-19? The Symptoms You NEED To Know! • What Is Coronavirus or COVID-19? Cov... • ✅ 5 Ways To Reduce Coronavirus Stress! • 5 Stress Management Techniques To Red... • ✅ 10 Life-Changing Healthy Habits For 2020 • 10 Life Changing Healthy Habits Tip... • This video is intended to be informational only. It is not a medical consultation, nor is it personalized medical advice. For medical advice, please consult your physician. • Subscribe so you’ll never miss my latest videos. • / @drfrita • Be sure to follow me on: • Instagram: • / dr.frita • Facebook: • / dr.frita • Psoriasis is a chronic and, unfortunately, incurable disease that causes thick, red, itchy, plaque-like lesions on the skin. These lesions are typically covered with silvery scales. They occur most commonly on the elbows, knees, and the scalp, but psoriasis can occur anywhere on the skin. Psoriasis is not contagious, and you cannot catch it from someone else. • I had a patient who once tried to argue with me about this. I told her that psoriasis was not contagious, and she said, Uh-uh, Dr. Frita, I think it is contagious, because I went to a friend's house, and there were like three other people there who also had those scaly things on their skin. I asked her, Were there other people with the skin lesions related to each other? She was like, Yeah. It was their house. Then I explained to her that, in 40% of patients with psoriasis, there is a first-degree or a very close relative who also has psoriasis. Psoriasis is genetic. It is not contagious. • Kim Kardashian has been very open about her diagnosis with psoriasis. She has even allowed the cameras to follow her on Keeping Up With The Kardashians into her doctor's office as she discusses and learns about psoriasis. Her mother, Kris Jenner, also has the diagnosis of psoriasis, which supports the fact that it is genetic. I know what some of you are thinking. You're like, Okay, Kim Kardashian has a little skin problem. So what? Others of you probably think she sits around like, Khloe, I like literally have psoriasis, but I am still like so pretty. You all are haters because I guarantee you that psoriasis is more than just skin deep. It is a systemic illness, and I guarantee that if Kim Kardashian were not so open and honest about her diagnosis, there's no way that psoriasis and its treatments would be getting all of the attention that they are getting today, so I applaud Kim K. • Over 7.5 million Americans are affected by psoriasis. Psoriasis can be associated with certain comorbidities like heart disease, cancer, diabetes, hypertension, and in some severe forms of psoriasis there can be an association with kidney, liver, and respiratory illnesses. 10 to 25% of patients with psoriasis also have psoriatic arthritis, so no, psoriasis is not just superficial. It is definitely more than skin deep. • What causes psoriasis? Well, we don't know exactly what causes psoriasis, but we do know that it's caused by a combination of genetic, immune, and environmental determinants. If you have psoriasis, yes, you have a genetic predisposition, but something environmental must trigger psoriasis, like stress for example. Once that psoriasis is triggered, your immune system is turned on, the T cells specifically. • Although there is no cure for psoriasis at this time, there are several treatment options. Some of the treatment options include topical medications, so you have emollients or just moisturizers for the skin. • If you have psoriasis or think you have psoriasis, go to your doctor and confirm the diagnosis and then talk to your doctor about which treatment option is best for you. If you see someone with psoriasis, please don't stare and be obnoxious, and please don't toot up your nose and act like psoriasis is something you can catch. Psoriasis is not contagious. Be kind and be sensitive. • I want you to prioritize yourselves, go to your doctors and, as always, strive to live your healthiest, happiest life. Thank you for watching. I'm Dr. Frita.