What are Kanban Cards Agile Coach 2019
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Kanban cards are visual and sometimes physical cards that track the status of a work item over time. Kanban cards have a title, description, owner, and status to give visibility and traceability to team members. Kanban cards have evolved from their origins in lean manufacturing and are now used by agile software development and service teams. In this video we talk about the history of kanban cards, how to create them, what information they track, and how much work each card should be. • Kanban cards were first used by Taiichi Ohno in the Toyota Manufacturing System. Kanban cards were used to help create a demand driven system, where supplies would only be ordered when they were needed. This laid the groundwork for the Just In Time(JIT) and lean manufacturing. • Kanban cards then evolved into physical artifacts that traced the status of a work item over time. This evolution inspired how software and service teams use kanban today. Kanban cards are made for every work item that the software team will work on, with a title and description for each item. • Many kanban teams have service desk software, like Jira service desk, where customers can make kanban cards for the team to work on. Other software teams make their own kanban cards in planning meetings. • Start a kanban project free in Jira today: https://www.atlassian.com/software/ji... • #YourAgileCoach