How to do the DUMBBELL LATERAL RAISE 2 Minute Tutorial


What's up guys and welcome back to 2 Minute Tutorials! This series will cover a broad range of training exercises to help you feel more comfortable in the gym and progress with your training. Each episode will cover one unique exercise by giving an in depth description of the muscle groups it activates, the equipment it requires, how to set it up, and most importantly, how to perform it correctly. With valuable cues, techniques, and assistance along the way, this series will deliver a quick, simple, and effective breakdown easy enough for anyone to understand. Whether you’ve been lifting for years, or if it's your first time stepping into a gym, these videos will have you feeling confident, knowledgeable, and ready to level up your training! So join the ride and let's get to work! Today's episode focuses on the dumbbell lateral raise. • Looking to get protein powder, creatine, or any other supplements? • Go to and use code MAXE at checkout for 45% off! • CC: This exercise is gonna target the medial head of your shoulder, which is also known as the lateral delt. Now there’s many different ways to perform this, and all of them utilize a similar technique, however, this episode will focus solely on the use of dumbbells. • To initiate the setup, grab the dumbbells firmly in the palm of your hand with your thumbs wrapped around them, and place your arms by your side with a slight bend at your elbow. Then, slightly rotate your hands in and point the dumbbells up on an angle, just in front of your hips. From here, squeeze your glutes and puff out your chest to maintain an upright posture, then actively retract your scapula by pushing your shoulder blades down and back. • The starting position should look something like this where your posture is vertical, your arms are slightly bent, and your eyes are aimed directly forward. • Then, begin the ascent by driving your elbows up and pushing the weight out to the side, while keeping your elbows directly in line with your body. As you do this, keep the weight slightly in front of you with your hands angled downward and flex your lats to maintain tightness in your back. Make sure to keep a slight bend at the elbow, and drive the weight up until your arms are parallel to the ground. • At the top, your shoulders should be fully contracted, your wrists should be bent, and the dumbbells should be tilted inward but parallel to the ground. From the front your body should appear as a T, but from the side, your forearms should extend slightly in front of you, with the dumbbells held underneath. • Then, without letting your chest fall, slowly bring the weight down by squeezing your lats and driving your elbows towards your rib cage. Keep your shoulder blades depressed, and really feel the tension on your medial delt as you control the dumbbells back into the starting position for the next rep. • Quick tip, Throughout the entirety of the move, your elbows should always be above your hands, and the weight should never go above your shoulder. • Some things to avoid are shrugging the weight up with your traps, driving the dumbbells up with your hands, and fully extending your arms during the movement. Likewise, avoid using excessive momentum, where your hips hinge back, your knees bend, and your chest falls. Your arms shouldn’t flap like a bird, and your body shouldn’t swing back and forth. Instead maintain a fixed vertical posture, and really focus on lifting with your elbows to keep the tension on your delts. • To incorporate this into your routine, I recommend using light to moderate weight for anywhere from 10-20 reps. That’s it for this tutorial, feel free to leave a like if you enjoyed, comment what you want to see next, and subscribe for more. • Follow me on social media: • INSTAGRAM:   / maxeuceda7   • TWITTER:   / maxeuceda7   • TIKTOK: • Music: • Biscuit (Prod. by Lukrembo) •    • (no copyright music) lofi type beat “...   • About Me: I'm a college student with a passion for fitness hoping to make it my career. I started training in early 2019 and have devoted a big portion of my life to it ever since. Now, with the help of this amazing community I've been blessed to be a part of, I will try my best to give back the information I've learned for those hoping to embark on a journey of their own. • Make sure to leave a like if you enjoyed, comment what you want to see next, and subscribe for more! #Gym #ExerciseTutorial #LateralRaise


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