What is Art Understanding Art Why Art is Important

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https://ecorchemodels.company.site • Every year the city of Paris attracts 30 million tourist, of which 20 million visit the Louvre. On every street corner you are surrounded by sculptures, gardens and amazing feats of architecture. Now imagine how many tourists would visit Paris if the city had no art. No paintings, no • sculptures, no architecture. This is why we say art is priceless. We can't put a price on something that can generate billions of dollars annually throughout the world. The amount created by art alone is uncountable. Artists may not make a lot of money compared to the average worker but their contribution to a society is immeasureable. • So, What is this thing we call art? Traditionally the definition of art is. • art1[ ahrt ] • noun • something considered to have been created primarily for aesthetic purposes and judged for its beauty and meaningfulness, specifically, painting, sculpture, drawing, watercolor, graphics, and architecture. • But I would define it otherwise. I would say art is simply visual communication. In the western world and most of the known world communication is widely verbal. That means that great importance is given to words. This is called logocentrism. Logos comes from Greek meaning word . Think about this for a second. How much importance does your society put in the word? People debate over words. Years are absorbed by the truth or falseness of the word. Some people even fight or kill over the word. It truly is amazing to see how powerful words are in our society..... • #art #whatisart #whyisartimportant


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