What Diseases Frozen in Ice could be Hidden in our Glaciers Earth Science
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Permafrost has kept viruses and bacteria frozen for centuries, but global warming could uncover some unpleasant surprises from the past. While in Iceland, Greg Foot looks at what the consequences could be. • Want to also become one of BBC Earth's presenters? Check out how to here: http://bit.ly/earthpresenter and apply before July 5, 2018. • Subscribe: http://bit.ly/SubscribeToEarthLab • All the best Earth Science videos http://bit.ly/EarthLabOriginals • Best of BBC Earth videos http://bit.ly/TheBestOfBBCEarthVideos • The Doctors Are In The House http://bit.ly/TheDoctorsAreInTheHouse • Best Of Earth Unplugged Videos http://bit.ly/BestOfEarthUnpluggedVideos • Check out the other two channels in the BBC Earth network: • BBC Earth: http://bit.ly/BBCEarthYouTubeChannel • BBC Earth Unplugged: http://bit.ly/BBCEarthUnplugged • Welcome to BBC Earth Science! Here we answer all your curious questions about science in the world around you (and further afield too). If there’s a question you have that we haven’t yet answered let us know in the comments on any of our videos and it could be answered by one of our Earth Science experts.