SHOWA AMERICAN STORY Reveal Trailer Reaction
Howdy Folks! I MISSED the actual reveal trailer for Showa American Story! And of course, it has even more whacky nonsense and hijinks for us to enjoy. I cannot wait to try this game for myself! Are you likewise looking forward to Showa American Story? • 🇺🇸 SHOWA AMERICAN STORY 🇯🇵 • ♦ Trailer: • ♦ Website: • ♦ Steam: • ✨ SUPPORT HOWDY FOLKS ✨ • There are many ways that you can help support Howdy Folks – such as liking, commenting on, and sharing our content! If you would like to help further, consider joining the Howdy Folks Patreon! • 🟠 Patreon: • 🎶 MUSIC 🎶 • 🎙️ Matthew Huffaker ( • ♪ Fifties Shopping Intro • License: Creative Commons Attribution 3.0. • ♦ • ♦ • 🎮 GAME DISCLAIMER 🎮 • SHOWA AMERICAN STORY was developed by NEKCOM ENTERTAINMENT and published by 2P GAMES. Howdy Folks is in no way affiliated with either the Developer(s) or Publisher(s) of this game. We believe that the usage of audio and video from this video game (SHOWA AMERICAN STORY) is in line with established Fair Use Doctrine (United States), as it is highly transformative in nature, and in no way deprives the copyright owner(s) of income, nor does it undermine a new or potential market for the copyrighted work. • #letswatch #reaction #2PGAMES #NEKCOMENTERTAINMENT #howdyfolks #gaming #news #videogames #showaamericanstory #pcgaming