VillaLobos Guia Pratico complete
My complete recording of Guia Prático by Heitor Villa-Lobos. • The term complete deserves some explanation in this case. Conceptually, Guia Prático is a series of volumes that Villa-Lobos intended to create for educational purposes. However only Volume 1 resulted, despite plans for more. Volume 1 is a collection of 137 settings of Brazilian children's tunes, mostly for piano or at least prominently featuring the piano. Over the years, the composer extracted some pieces from it and published them in 11 separate albums, and it's those I have completely recorded here. There's more in the original volume that I may want to record separately later. • I am playing from my own scores (all shown on the intro image) as much as possible. For the 3 volumes I don't own, I resorted to a performance edition I found on the web. I thought it was a nice idea to use the scores from the original Volume 1, for a bit of couleur locale and so that you can see the lyrics. You may see some discrepancies between what is played and what is shown; Villa-Lobos often took the pieces verbatim but sometimes added repeats, elaboration, or extra measures. Some pieces were reworked so completely that there was no point in showing the original scores, in which case I show the real score. Specifically these are Nesta Rua in Album 10, and all pieces in Album 11. Scanning and syncing with the audio was a pile of drudgery, especially because of the mentioned differences... I hope it was worth the effort. I think this is the only complete version with score on YT. • Chris Breemer, piano • • Album 1 (Rio, 1932) Dedicated to J. Vieira Brandão • 0:13 1: Acordei de Madrugada (I Woke Up Before Dawn) • 1:56 2: A Maré Encheu (At Full Tide) • 3:33 3: A Roseira (The Rose Bush) • 4:42 4: Manquinha (Little Lame Girl) • 6:49 5: Na Corda da Viola (On the Strings of a Viola) • Album 2 (Rio, 1932) Dedicated to Julieta d'Almeida Strutt • 9:10 6: Brinquedo (The Toy) • 10:16 7: Machadinha (Little Axe) • 11:36 8: Espanha (L’Espagne) • 12:30 9: Samba-Lelê • 14:16 10: Senhora Dona Viúva (Madame Veuve…) • Album 3 (Rio, 1932) Dedicated to Arnaldo Estrella • 16:14 11: O Pastorzinho (The little Shepherd) • 17:32 12: João Cambuête (Jean Cambuête) • 18:47 13: A Freira (The Nun) • 19:46 14: Garibaldi Foi à Missa (Garibaldi went to Mass) • 21:20 15: O Pião (The Whipping-Top) • Album 4 (Rio, 1932) Dedicated to Magdalena Tagliaferro • 22:56 16: O Pobre e o Rico (The Poor and the Rich) • 23:49 17: Rosa Amarela (Yellow Rose) • 26:18 18: Olha o Passarinho, Dominé! (Look at the Little Bird, Dominé!) • 27:04 19: O Gato (The Cat) • 29:13 20: Ó Sim! (Oh Yes!) • Album 5 (Rio, 1932) Dedicated to Anna-Stella Schic • 30:10 21: Os Pombinhos (The Lovebirds) • 30:55 22: Você Diz que Sabe Tudo (You say you know everything) • 33:25 23: Có Có Có • 34:59 24: O Bastão ou Mia Gato (The Stick Or Cat Miaow) • 36:26 25: A Condessa (The Countess) • Album 6 (Rio, 1935) Dedicated to William Kapell • 39:07 26: Sonho de uma Criança (Child's Dream) • 40:34 27: O Corcunda (The Hunchback) • 41:43 28: Caranguejo (The Crab) • 43:20 29: A Pombinha Voou (The Little Dove Flew Away) • 44:43 30: Vamos Atrás da Serra, Ó Calunga! (Let Us Go Over the Mountain, O Calunga!) • Album 7 (Rio, 1935) Dedicated to Noemi Bittencourt • 46:10 31: No Fundo do Meu Quintal (In My Back Yard) • 47:34 32: Vai, Abóbora (Go, Pumpkin!) • 48:33 33: Vamos, Maruca (Let’s Go, Maruca) • 50:09 34: Os Pombinhos (The Little Doves) • 51:19 35: Anda a Roda (Round the Circle) • Album 8 (Rio, 1935) No dedication • 53:34 36: Ó Limão (Oh, Lemon) • 54:23 37: Carambola (Goodness!) • 55:07 38: Pobre Cega (Poor Blind Woman) • 56:07 39: Pai Francisco (Father Francisco) • 57:23 40: Xô! Passarinho! (Fly! Little Bird!) • 58:34 41: Sinh’Aninha (Farmers’ Daughters) • 59:22 42: Vestidinho Branco (Little White Dress) • Album 9 (Rio, 1935) No dedication • 1:00:18 43: Laranjeira Pequenina (Litte Orange Tree) • 1:01:04 44: Pombinha, Rolinha (Litte Dove, Tiny Dove • 1:02:39 45: O Ciranda, O Cirandinha (Circle Dance, Little Circle Dance) • 1:03:32 46: A Velha que Tinha Nove Filhas (The Old Woman Who Had Nine Daughters) • 1:04:50 47: Constante (Constante) • 1:05:47 48: O Castelo (The Castle) • Album 10 (Rio, 1935) Dedicated to Sonia Maria Strutt • 1:07:15 49: De Flor em Flor (From Flower to Flower) • 1:08:26 50: Atché (Up) • 1:09:09 51: Nesta Rua (In this Street) • 1:11:18 52: Fui no Itororó (I went to Itororó) • 1:12:44 53: Mariquita Muchacha • 1:14:19 54: No Jardim Celestial (In the Celestial Garden) • Album 11 (New York, 1953) Dedicated to Mieczyslaw Horszowski • 1:15:26 55: O Anel (The Ring) • 1:18:04 56: Nigue Ninhas (Lullaby) • 1:20:55 57: Pobre Cega (The Poor, Blind Woman) • 1:23:07 58: A Cotia (The Raccoon) • 1:24:59 59: Vida Formosa (Beautiful Life) • 1:27:28 60: Viva o Carnaval! (Long Live the Carnival!) • --- • Recording date: May 24 - June 5, 2022 • Piano: Kawai Novus NV10S • Setting: SK-EX Concert • Postprocessing: Concert Hall Light reverb