⛧Satanic MasteryThe summoning of Belial 12hzFree yourself from the weakness that binds you⛧
>> YOUR LINK HERE: ___ http://youtube.com/watch?v=Q8udBLhGN50
Belial is one of the most important Demons, who is deceptively beautiful in appearance and soft in voice. • This audio was created to summon the power for releasing yourself. • 🔱Summon a Force so great and dark, capable of breaking chains🔱 • -DRAW A PENTACLE ON THE FLOOR WITH RED PIGMENT • -PLACE YOURSELF INSIDE THE PENTACLE • -LISTEN TO THE WAVES AS YOU PICTURE IN YOUR HEAD A BLACK FLAME • -ASK BELIAL FOR HIS POWER AS YOU CHANT IN YOUR HEAD OR OUT LOUD • BEFORE THE DARKNESS I AM, WITHOUT A MASTER I WILL BE • • Shemhamforash!!! • Hail Satan! • Hail Thyself! • ⛧ • #satansound #frequency #satan #devil #binaural #satanism #brainwaves #lucifer #alphabrainwaves #manifestation #lilith #sex #sexualhealing #belial