Daily Catholic Reading 06 November 2024

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Welcome to The Holy Way! Today, we’re reflecting on the readings for Wednesday of the Thirty-first Week in Ordinary Time. Before we dive into today’s reflections, we invite you to support our mission by purchasing the Catechism of the Catholic Church: Definitive Complete Edition through our affiliate link: https://amzn.to/3Z05a46. By using this link, you’ll pay the same price, and a portion will help us continue to share inspiring content with you. • First Reading: Philippians 2:12-18 • In this reading, St. Paul encourages us to continue working for our salvation in fear and trembling, acknowledging that God Himself is at work in us. He reminds us that God not only guides our actions but also shapes our intentions and purpose. Paul calls for us to live in a way that sets us apart, so that we might “shine in the world like bright stars.” He speaks of the joy that he would feel if his own sacrifice helps others to live faithfully, inspiring us to rejoice even in challenging times as we pursue lives rooted in the faith. • Responsorial Psalm: Psalm 26 • The Lord is my light and my help; whom shall I fear? This psalm offers a message of hope and confidence in God’s protection. It reflects the desire to dwell with God, seeking strength and guidance in His presence. It encourages us to wait patiently for God, trusting that we will see His goodness as we walk in faith. • Gospel Acclamation • Because of your love give me life, and I will do your will. This acclamation highlights the transformative power of God’s love, which leads us to a life of faithfulness and obedience. • Gospel: Luke 14:25-33 • In today’s Gospel, Jesus challenges His followers with a call to discipleship that is both radical and uncompromising. He speaks of the cost of following Him, using the strong language of “hating” one’s own family and even life itself. Here, “hate” is not literal; it’s an expression of putting love for God above all else, even the closest relationships. Jesus uses the examples of a builder calculating costs and a king assessing his army to emphasise that following Him requires careful consideration and wholehearted commitment. To truly be His disciple, we must be willing to carry our cross, leaving behind anything that hinders our journey with Him. • Reflection • Today’s readings highlight the call to live our faith in an intentional and active way. Paul’s words in Philippians remind us that salvation is both a gift from God and a responsibility for us. It’s a journey, one that calls for commitment, discipline, and a willingness to stand apart from the world when necessary. His encouragement to “shine like stars” is a reminder that we are witnesses to Christ in a world that often lacks hope and light. • The Gospel challenges us even further, with Jesus’ call to carry our cross and be ready to make sacrifices to follow Him. This isn’t about abandoning our loved ones but about prioritising our relationship with God above all. Discipleship is costly, but it brings a depth of purpose and joy that the world cannot offer. • As we reflect on these readings, let us ask ourselves: are we willing to put God first, even when it’s difficult? Do we approach our faith with a sense of dedication, recognising that God Himself is at work within us? May today’s message inspire us to walk more closely with Christ, embracing the call to discipleship with courage and joy. • Thank you for joining us today on The Holy Way. If you found this reflection meaningful, please like the video and subscribe to our channel for more daily readings and reflections. Don’t forget to support our mission by purchasing the Catechism of the Catholic Church using our affiliate link: https://amzn.to/3Z05a46. Share your prayer intentions in the comments below so that our community can keep you in their prayers. Stay blessed!


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