Dippity Pig Syndrome
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his is a non contagious condition that will come on very suddenly and then disappear within a day or two. Erythema multiforme is the medical term for the disease. No treatment is necessary, the condition will resolve on it's own. However, for your pig's comfort, Benedryl and buffered aspirin are recommended (doses below). Symptoms of Dippity Pig are sudden pain, dipping or dropping their hind legs, squealing or screaming are common. Some pigs will develop moist red areas or lesions on their back. These lesions will be side to side (direction of ear to ear rather than head to tail) and may ooze clear or bloody serum. Pigs with dippity will be very sensitive to the touch, especially along their back. • • Dippity Pig Syndrome can be triggered by several causes. Although not all pigs will develop Dippity, once they develop it they are more likely to have repeat episodes. Young pigs under two years old are most likely to develop Dippity. Sun exposure seems to be a common trigger. Also stress can trigger dippity. Being left with a pig-sitter, moving furniture, a trip to the vet, anything that causes stress can trigger Dippity. It is not contagious, so there are no worries of exposing others. Just calm and comfort your baby and rest assured it will be over quickly. • http://americanminipigassociation.com/