Ep12 Compilation How Ari Trump and Chess first met Flowering Heart S1
Ep1 Crush at first sight • It's the first day of the new school year. 5th grader Ari and her best friends Suha and Min have started an after school activity called the Problem Solving Club. However, no one seems to have any problems that need to be solved. Disappointed Ari ends up discovering an unconscious hamster on the road. Amazingly...the hamster begins to speak. I must find the magic ring... • Ep2 I've become an adult?! • Ari has become a teacher?! Tubby, the hamster, has come from the World of Magic and he explains that Ari has transformed into an adult because of her sincere wish to help her troubled homeroom teacher. In order to do this, Ari pretends to sit in and observe her class, but ends up having to teach it herself! Will she be able to pull it off? • • 🌸 Click here to subscribe our channel : https://goo.gl/aqwdK4 • 🌸 Click here to watch more videos of Flowering Heart : • 🌸Flowering Heart Season 1 (ENG ver.)