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In this video, I compare both the budget cubes, YJ YuLong V2 M MoYu RS3 M 2020, by talking about their specifications, features, and a sub 10 ao5 with both of them. • Watch the video till the end to find out my views!! • -- • GET YOUR CUBES HERE: • YJ YuLong V2 M: • https://www.jpearly.com/products/yj-y... • https://www.thecubicle.com/products/y... • MoYu RS3 M 2020: • https://www.jpearly.com/products/moyu... • https://www.thecubicle.com/products/m... • -- • TIMES SCRAMBLES: • YJ YuLong V2 M: • avg of 5: 9.46 • Time List: • 1. (8.72) D2 R' L' D2 R2 U R2 L D B2 R2 F L2 D2 B R2 F U2 B' U2 D2 • 2. 8.76 L2 F' R2 B U2 B L2 U2 B2 R2 B R' F R2 U L D B' L2 R • 3. (10.18) F' L U B2 U2 F2 R2 U' F2 L2 U' L B2 F L' R' B F R • 4. 10.17 B2 R' F' R' B U' F2 L2 F2 L D2 L F2 U2 R2 U2 R' U L • 5. 9.45 U' L' F2 U2 F' D2 U2 F R2 D2 B R2 U2 D' B' D U F D' L' U' • MoYu RS3 M 2020: • avg of 5: 9.07 • Time List: • 1. (8.62) R' B' L' U' D2 F' R' U B2 R L' F2 R F2 D2 B2 L2 F2 L • 2. 8.77 F' L U' D' F R' L2 U' D2 F2 R2 M2 R2 H2 U2 R F2 L R2 R' D' • 3. 9.58 L2 D2 F2 L U' D2 R' D U2 B R2 F L2 F2 R2 U2 R2 U2 R2 F • 4. (10.44) F L2 B2 D2 L D2 L D2 L H2 R' B2 F' R U2 L' F' R2 D • 5. 8.85 R2 B R D2 L2 F D' F U2 B' R2 B' D2 F' L2 D2 B2 L2 R B2 • -- • Music: • [No Copyright Music] Chill Lofi HipHop FREE Instrumental (Copyright Free) Chill Lofi Piano Music • Social Media: • Instagram: •   / zhongyi.ho   •   / random.yi   • Email: • [email protected]


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