Lice How To Get Rid Of Head Lice


What are Head Lice? (Treatment, Symptoms, Causes, Prevention) - • Presented by • Anyone can become infected if they come in contact with an infected person. The tiny insects hide in hair and bite the scalp to drink the host's blood. • What are the Symptoms of Head Lice? Constant scalp itchiness is the most common symptom caused by head lice. Upon inspection, you’ll see sand-like dots on the scalp base of hair strands. Which are eggs, or nits, of the lice. It’s rare to see adult lice, which are the color and size of a sesame seed. Unless it's severe or you’re using a lice comb to pull the insects out of hair. If scratching with force, you may notice scalp redness or even sores. • What are the Causes of Head Lice? Head lice are caused by a parasitic insect called the Pediculus humanus capitis. The lice feed on human blood by biting at the skin and on or close to the scalp. It’s possible for them to live in the eyebrows and eyelashes. Head lice tend to spread from one person to another. The lice cannot fly or jump, and only crawl from hair to hair. This means that close contact is necessary for transmission. Head lice do not occur as a result of poor personal hygiene. Cleanliness of hair or scalp doesn't increase the risk of contracting head lice. Children tend to be most at risk of developing head lice. Because they are more likely to have direct contact with others during play. • How is Head Lice Treated? Medicated shampoos and hair rinses are the primary treatment most people choose. These treatments are available over-the-counter. However, lice are growing immune to such chemicals and concentrations. Prescription shampoos are available for lice that survive OTC medication. Alternative options are reliable, include removing lice by hand. And smothering them by coating the head with vegetable oil for an hour. Both practices take 2 to 3 weeks of daily use to kill off the entire population. • How is Head Lice Prevented? Prevent head lice by avoiding close contact with infected individuals. It can be difficult to ensure infected children avoid close contact with peers. In some cases, it can be safer for children with head lice to avoid school. Or other environments where children come into contact. Schools may have a policy preventing infected children from attending. It is good practice to avoid sharing personal items with those with head lice. This includes hair brushes, combs, towels, hats, bedding and clothes. Be sure to speak to your doctor about your concerns. • If you enjoyed this video, please subscribe! This video is meant for educational purposes and is not medical advice. • Website: • Facebook:   / healthery   • Twitter:   / myhealthery  


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