Grief Sucks
In this video, I share a deeply personal experience of processing grief, being present for loved ones, and the unexpected moments of support that help us through hard times. After hearing painful news from my mom, I felt torn between my need to be strong for a friend and the overwhelming emotions I needed to process for myself. • While taking a walk to clear my mind, I stumbled upon an art installation on grief—an unexpected encounter that allowed me to release my emotions and reflect on the importance of feeling everything fully. • Grief is complex, with emotions that often don’t make sense, and sometimes the best way to cope is simply to let ourselves feel it all. I hope sharing my story resonates with those of you navigating similar journeys and reminds you that your feelings are valid and worth honoring. • Share your thoughts and experiences with me in the comments. Let's talk! • Follow me on social media • Instagram: / advocate_habiba • Twitter: • #WalkAndTalk #Sit Talk #Nature #Health #Healthcare #BackPain #Fibromyalgia #Endometriosis #Sarcoidosis #ChronicPain #ChronicIllness #Spoonie #Spoonies #SpoonieSupport #Disability #Disabled #Grief #Healing • #MentalHealthJourney #ProcessingGrief #DealingWithLoss • #PersonalGrowthJourney #EmotionalHealing #SupportingFriends • #Coping #GriefSupport #GriefSucks #EmotionalWellness #HealingThroughArt #Self-care #MentalHealth #Vulnerability #Strength • #LettingYourselfFeel