Terraria Soul of Eternity vs Echdeath
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in todays video we use the Soul of Eternity from Fargos Mutant Mod vs Echdeath from Fargos Souls Dlc Mod. • description of Soul of Eternity from terraria mods fandom wiki: • The Soul of Eternity is a craftable post-Moon Lord accessory. It is by far the strongest accessory available to the player in Fargo's Soul Mod, inheriting every single effect from everything used into making this accessory as well as having some additional benefits. • Result Ingredients Crafting station • Soul of EternitySoul of Eternity • Fargo's Mod/Soul of the UniverseSoul of the Universe • Fargo's Mod/Soul of DimensionsSoul of Dimensions • Fargo's Mod/Soul of TerrariaSoul of Terraria • Fargo's Mod/Soul of the SiblingsSoul of the Siblings • Fargo's Mod/Soul of YggdrasilSoul of Yggdrasil (With Thorium) • Fargo's Mod/Soul of the TyrantSoul of the Tyrant (With Calamity) • Fargo's Mod/Soul of Two RealmsSoul of Two Realms (With Shadows of Abaddon) • Fargo's Mod/Eternal EnergyEternal Energy (30) • The player is not required to have Thorium, Calamity, Shadows of Abaddon, or Dragon Ball Terraria installed to craft this item; the crafting materials associated with any of the three mods that aren't installed (if any) will not be part of the in-game recipe. • With Shadows of Abbadon and the Souls DLC mod installed, this item becomes exclusive to True Mode. • The item's full crafting tree without the Fargo's Souls DLC mod installed requires 403 crafting steps, utilizing a total of 552 unique items. • If the Souls DLC mod is installed, it instead requires a staggering 1582 crafting steps, utilizing 1622 unique items. • For comparison, vanilla Terraria has over 5000 unique items in the game and the Zenith, the most complex item recipe, has only 13 crafting steps. • The Soul of Eternity grants immunity from all the following debuffs: • Description of echdeath from terrariamods fandom wiki: • Echdeath is a secret joke boss, purposefully designed to be unbeatable by any means. It is only available with the Fargo's Soul Mod DLC installed. • • Contents • 1 Summoning • 2 Attacks • 3 Notes • 4 Trivia • 5 History • Summoning • Echdeath does not spawn on its own and can be spawned if the player uses Pandora's Box under the following set of very specific conditions: • The player is in front of an Ech Painting and unsafe Lihzahrd Brick Walls • The player is standing on top of Luminite Bricks • The player is simultaneously pressing the up and down keys while not pressing the left or right keys • It is a Solar Eclipse • The current moon phase is a Full Moon • A Dungeon Guardian is currently alive. • Attacks • When spawned, Echdeath will immediately begin floating towards the player in an attempt to ram into them. As it chases the player, it will gradually increase in both speed and size as its biting animation plays faster and faster, making it fundamentally impossible to escape it. • On contact, Echdeath inflicts an absolutely massive amount of damage that ignores all forms of invincibility and godmode, invariably killing the player and everything else that stands in its way in a single blow while broadcasting the message :echdeath: in the chat. Regardless of what difficulty the character is on, any player killed by Echdeath will become a ghost as if they were on Hardcore difficulty. They will be unable to respawn until they exit the world, although their character will not be deleted. • If Echdeath is reduced to 1 HP, it will enter an enraged state, signified by the message Echdeath has enraged. in the chat. This enraged state fully restores its HP, causes the screen to start shaking uncontrollably, significantly increases its speed, causes Echdeath to gain functionally infinite damage reduction, and lets it instantly destroy any tiles it comes into contact with. • Notes • Because this is a secret lethal joke boss, you don’t have to fight it in the game’s progression. • Unlike all other damage numbers in the game, getting hit by Echdeath will create bright red damage numbers. • Echdeath has a chance to be spawned normally from using Pandora's Box, and will still be spawned by an Ancient Seal. • Trivia • While the boss is alive, Red Steel by Sakuzyo will play, which also plays during the fight with the Mutant. • The boss' sprite and name are derived from the emote of the same name on the Fargo's Mod Discord server. • Due to its incredibly high HP and defense, as well as its constantly increasing speed and size, it is impossible to kill Echdeath before it kills the player. Even normally instant-kill attacks, such as instakills provided by cheats, will deal minimal damage to the boss. • If enraged Echdeath is somehow slain (by means of cheats from other mods that can kill enemies regardless of stats), the message HOW will be broadcast in chat and it will drop its loot. However, anything that deletes the boss instead of killing it will cause it to vanish without dropping anything. • Its health, damage, and defense stats are the signed 32-bit integer limit divided by 10 • #terraria #echdeath #fargo