#oddball #maremmadog #maremmadogbarking #oceanambience #fairypenguinsound • Oddball Ambience | Oddball Movie | Ocean Ambience | Maremma Dog Barking | Fairy Penguin Sound • Do you love the movie Oddball? Do you love the sounds of dogs barking? The beautiful Maremma dog otherwise known as Oddball, from the movie with the same name features in this clip. Experience the sounds of Oddball the Maremma on his Middle island in Warrnambool. Relax with over an hour of ambience. You can also hear fairy penguins. • • • • • maremma dog, maremma sheepdog, maremma barking, maremma training, maremma sheepdog 101, maremma dogs, maremma puppies, oddball, oddball trailer, oddball full movie, oddball movie, oddball full movie english, oddball kelly's heroes, oddball ending, oddball full movie,