Devil May Cry 2 Sucked
This game is doo doo feces, but it's kinda fun if you squint your eyes. A sequel to the hit Devil May Cry, it's set on the island of Vie de Marli (originally known as Dumary Island) and centers on a stoic Dante, veteran demon hunter, and a mysterious redheaded woman named Lucia as they fight to stop the Uroboros corporation and its CEO, Arius, from reviving the demon king Argosax. This is a reupload lol. • Special Thanks To: • Shirrako: @Shirrako • Source Gaming: @AllSourceGaming • Socials: • Twitch: / comatoastedtv • Instagram: / justinchamberlinn • Outro: • you're gonna carry that weight • • #devilmaycry #dmc #devilmaycry2