There are many potential consequences of sharing your child's image and other personal information online, says lawyer and author Leah Plunkett. • Not only could photos be embarrassing for a child later on in life if they're in a job interview or trying to gain entrance to college or university, but they can be used and re-purposed in countless ways now and in the future by people and institutions that you may not even know. • I would avoid (posting) any pictures of your child in any state of undress, even if it is a totally innocent day at the beach picture. Avoid posting any information that fully identifies your child by name, date of birth, or location, says Plunkett. • Ideally, don't post pictures of your children on social media, instead look for other ways to share exciting moments with trusted family, friends, and others in your community that don't involve social media posts, she adds. • For more info, please go to • Subscribe to Global News Channel HERE: • Like Global News on Facebook HERE: • Follow Global News on Twitter HERE: • Follow Global News on Instagram HERE: • #GlobalNews #socialmedia #socialmediatips #parentingtips