Platon Kimdir Hayatı Eserleri ve İlmi Kişiliği Eflatun Kimdir
Who is Plato? His Life, Works and Scientific Personality • 00:00 Check-in • 00:30 Life • 02:45 Works • 04:18 Concept of Being and Teaching of Ideas • 05:02 Knowledge Understanding • 06:08 Soul Understanding and Reincarnation/Reincarnation • 06:40 Moral Understanding • 08:10 Aesthetics and Artistic Understanding • 09:20 Understanding of Politics and the State • 11:00 Corrupted States • 13:53 Images • Negotiation Questions: • Where was Plato born? What are the philosophers and currents of thought that influenced Plato? What is the importance of Plato's trip to North Africa, Egypt and Italy in the world of thought? Why does Plato fall into the slave market and how does he get out of slavery? What is the importance of Plato's academy in the history of philosophy? What is Plato's method in his works? What kind of relationship is there between Socrates, Plato and Aristotle? What is the relationship between Plato's Understanding of Being and the Doctrine of Ideas? What is the relationship between the doctrine of the ideals and the allegory of the cave? How is Plato's understanding of the soul interpreted? How is Reincarnation/Soul Transmigration/Reincarnation interpreted? How are virtues interpreted in moral understanding? What is good and beautiful according to Plato? Plato, what is the basis of art and aesthetics? What is the purpose of art according to Plato? What kind of state understanding does Plato advocate? How is society classified? How is Plato's ideal state constructed? How are timocracy, plutocracy, democracy and tyranny born? • Plato, also known as Plato, BC. He was born in 427 BC. He died in 347. Some sources state his birthplace as Athens, others as the island of Aegina. • Plato became a student of important ancient philosophers, especially Cratylos (Cratylus). However, there is no doubt that the one who influenced Plato the most was Socrates, of whom he was a student at the age of twenty. The influence of Socrates on Plato can be understood from the important role he gave to Socrates in all his dialogues. • In his early 30s, Plato went out of his country and toured North Africa, Egypt and Italy. What he saw in these countries made him think about change, stagnation, agriculture, trade, wealth and high culture. • Unlike his teacher Socrates, Plato, who was a political enthusiast, was captured by King Dionysios in Sicily and sold to slave traders. He would have spent his life as a slave if a friend had not recognized him and saved him from slavery. Returning to Athens, the emancipated Plato founded his school, known as the Akademia, in the gardens of Akademus (387), where he trained young people for twenty years. • Plato's Academy is considered the first university in history. After limiting his relationship with politics, Plato devoted more time to thinking and writing. The Academy has produced many students. The most well-known among them is Aristotle. Since he founded the Academy, the first academic institution in history, his philosophical thoughts were institutionally taught to new generations. • Before going into the details of Plato's thought, it would be useful to briefly mention the factors that played a role in the formation of his philosophy. Plato was born into a politically powerful, elite family. Therefore, it is possible to say that politics has an important place in his philosophy. On the other hand, we can say that his teacher Socrates had an important influence on the shaping of his thoughts, especially in his youth years. Plato met the students of Pythagoras (Pythagoras) during his trip to Italy. Pythagorean's curiosity and work in mathematics influenced Plato. Likewise, Heraclitus' encounter with his students also shaped his thoughts. • Plato is one of the most important ancient philosophers. It has an important place in the philosophy of antiquity as it is the student of an important thinker like Socrates and the teacher of another great thinker like Aristotle. • More than 30 works, most of which are almost certainly known to have been written by Plato, and date back to about 2500 years ago, have all survived. In this respect, Plato has a very rare and important place in the history of thought and philosophy. • Plato wrote his works in the form of dialogues . Narration in the form of dialogue is a very effective writing method in which multiple characters put forward their thoughts in the form of conversations, questions and answers, object to each other's thoughts, and answers are given to objections within the framework of logic and oratory rules. • works • Charmides • Euthydemus • Euthyphro • Gorgias • ion • Kratylos • Kritias • criton • Laches • Lysis • Menexenos • Meno • nomoi • Parmenides • Phaidon • Phaedrus • Philebos • Politeia • Politicos • Protagoras • Sophistes • symposion • theaitetus • Timaios • Apology