Bhujangasana Steps and Benefits


Fight Monsoon Ailments With 'Bhujangasana' • Monsoon not only brings along refreshing showers but also various diseases like dysentery, asthma, arthritis, nasal and skin allergies begin to surface. • Subscribe to Times Of India's Youtube channel here: • Also Subscribe to Bombay Times Youtube Channel here: • Social Media Links: • Facebook :   / timesofindia   • Twitter :   / timesofindia   • Google + : • 'Download TOI app on Android iPhone and WIN free recharge coupon worth Rs. 50/- from Paytm - • Times Of India's Official YouTube channel is managed by Culture Machine Media Pvt Ltd. • Monsoon not only brings along refreshing showers but also various diseases like dysentery, asthma, arthritis, nasal and skin allergies begin to surface. Immunity plays a key role in fending off such diseases. Yoga trainer Vivek Mishra, emphasises on practising Bhujangasana to stay healthy this monsoon. Try this yoga to fight lung infection and to boost your immunity Bhujangasana 1. Lie flat on the stomach on the mat with legs straight, feet together, toes facing outside and forehead on the floor. 2. Place your hands directly under the chest; your thumbs should touch the nipples. Relax the whole body. 3. Inhale, lift your head up, chest up and stretch your head back as far as possible. Make sure you are comfortable doing it. 4. See that the arms remain half bent at the elbows. 5. In this asana, the lungs stay vertical and expand transversely. As a result you will be able to breathe in more oxygen. 6. Hold the position as long as you can without experiencing any difficulty. Now exhale while lowering the body. Do 3-5 times.


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