Murphys sign and Courvoisiers Law
#Courvoisier's_law states that in the presence of a non-tender palpable gallbladder, painless jaundice is unlikely to be caused by gallstones. It is generally implicated to be caused by malignancy, as the • gallbladder obstruction caused by stones is intermittent, and the gallbladder is chronically fibrosed, small and therefore, it is incapable of enlargement. On the other hand, pathology like pancreatic malignancy being of relatively shorter duration causing distention of #CBD by back pressure. • #Murphy's_sign is a procedure done during abdominal examination. It is useful for differentiating pain in the right upper quadrant. Typically, it is positive in cholecystitis, but negative in choledocholithiasis, pyelonephritis etc. • It is performed by asking the patient to breathe in. If the patient stops breathing in and winces with a catch in breath, the test is considered positive. • Thank you for watching. • @Dr.Sanjoyray • #Drsanjoyray • • Find us • facebook: • website • • • #gall_stone • #cholelithiasis • #ultrasonogram • #liver_ultrasonography • #CBD • #choledocholithiasis