Kimi wa Pet Episode 2English Subs寵物情人 第2集繁體中文字幕
台灣的朋友可以在KKTV上觀看《寵物情人》喔! • • Sumire Iwaya, beautiful journalist, a grad of Tokyo University and Harvard is confessed by her fiancé that he is tired of being with her that is higher pay, higher education and higher height than him and he leaves her for his new girlfriend. Misfortune never come alone, Sumire gets demoted for punching her boss who is very drunk and rude to her. Feeling she lost everything at once, she comes across a injured homeless young guy in a carbon box outside her apartment. Sumire is startled because he resembles her childhood pet, Momo. As a joke, she says she wants to keep him as a pet. To her surprise, the young guy agrees. She names him Momo after her beloved dog from childhood. Sumire provides room and board, and Momo provides unconditional love and loyalty like a pet. Sumire says there is no sex in their relationship, and she will only sleep with high-spec guy: higher pay, higher education and higher height. Despite this, where will their unique relationship reach in the end…? • 在新聞部門工作的女強人巖谷澄麗是個長得漂亮,學歷又高的女強人,未婚夫卻以「無法忍受她比自己優秀」的原因要求與分手並另結新歡。禍不單行,她又出手揍了喝醉性騷擾她的上司而被調職。在覺得自己失去一切時,她在家門口遇到一名受了傷又無家可歸、躲在紙箱裡的年輕男子。他令澄麗想起自己以前飼養過的愛犬小桃,因此她半開玩笑地提議要將男子當成寵物養,沒想到男子居然答應了。澄麗將男子也取名為小桃,供他吃住,他則如寵物般給她愛與忠誠。澄麗說他們之間不會有性關係,她只會和三高男子發生關係。然而,兩人特別的關係最終會走向哪裡?