TRAMPOFOIL the originals from Sweden
The Trampofoil (TRAMPoline and hydroFOIL) was invented in 1996 by Alexander Sahlin, a hydrophysicist, successful race sailor and builder of numerous experimental sailboats faster than the Olympic Tornado. TRAMPOFOIL - as a human powered vehicle (hpv) - is propelled by jumping up and down, thus flipping an underwater transverse wing like the ultra efficient natural fishtail. The original TRAMPOFOIL float due to structural buoancy. however, the huge dynamic lift to carry the pilot and move forward is only produced when hopping up and down. Typically, TRAMPOFOILs are started by pushing off a jetty or boat . The orignal TRAMPOFOILS are handcrafted using vacuum-bagged epoxy + carbon fiber. They weigh ~7.5kg and can speed over speed over 12kn. the longest sustained flight was almost 12km. in 1997, alex and the author introduced the original trampofoil for the first time outside sweden - during the worlds largest sailing event kiel week in Germany. Meanwhile, the original Trampofoil design has been copied and technically downgraded for production in low cost countries like china. More on the original TRAMPOFOIL, see . Das original Trampofoil wurde 1996 vom Physiker Alex Sahlin als HPV ohne stat. Auftrieb entwickelt. Voll-Kohlefaser, Gewicht 7.5 kg, bis 12kn schnell. 1997 stellten Sahlin und der Autor das Original erstmals ausserhalb Schweden auf der Kieler Woche vor.