FIRST KNIGHT 1995 – Running The Gauntlet
In this exciting scene from 1995’s First Knight, an opportunity to kiss Lady Guinevere (Julia Ormond) has Sir Lancelot (Richard Gere) jumping at the chance to attempt the dangerous gauntlet run. • Watch Now: • First Knight • Subscribe to Sony Pictures Home Entertainment: / sonypictureshomeent • Together, Sean Connery, Richard Gere, Julia Ormond (Legends of the Fall, Sabrina), and Jerry Zucker, the director of Ghost, bring you a new vision of King Arthur's Camelot. A vision of breathtaking battles, of heart-pounding courage, of the undeniable love that brought an entire kingdom to its knees... and of the undying passion that made it live forever. • #FirstKnight #Sony #RichardGere #SeanConnery #JuliaOrmond