Griqua People Part 2 The History of South Africa
The Griquas are a diverse group of mixed-race individuals who originated in the early history of the Dutch Cape Colony in Southern Africa. They are a subgroup of the former Khoe-speaking nations and have a unique origin. During apartheid, they were classified as Coloured, a special racial category. The Griquas are considered Cape Coloureds and played a significant role in the Great Trek. They formed their own states, known as Griqua States, which were similar to the White Afrikaans states formed during the Great Trek, known as Boer States. • Don’t forget to subscribe to catch every video as it is released. I always love feedback so don’t forget to leave a comment. Membership is live so feel feel to support the creation of new content by signing up as a History Great. • If you enjoy this content and would like to contribute financially in the production to continue to produce better quality content please have a look at our Patreon page: / joshuawolvaardt • Background ink Video by Bernard from Pixabay • Subscribe Video by KAY Virk from Pixabay