AeroGarden Strawberry Grow Success Tips and Tricks Lessons Learned
I grew these seascape strawberries in an AeroGarden and the results are pretty good. Here are the berries I bought from Amazon: • And this is the nutrient that I use: • This is the AeroGarden I'm using: • Tips and tricks: • 1. Place your root crowns high in the white nets to avoid root rot • 2. Be light on the nutrients. In my experience, AeroGarden nutrients are NOT a good solution. Try using Fox Farm Grow Big, adding just 1ml weekly until the plants all have 5-6 true leaf sets. Then, up that to 1.5ml every other day. • 3. You can pinch the flowers. Or don't! Not pinching will offer you berries sooner, but they will be smaller. So half of your plants let go, and the other half, pinch berries until you have 5-6 leaf sets. At most you can have 5 plants in on AeroGarden bounty (their largest model). Give the plants a little space and they will grow larger. More leaves=better berries. • Bonus tips: • 1. Disable the AeroGarden pump and buy some air stones. More oxygen=better • 2. Keep the lights low • 3. Once the plants are established, trim off unhealthy looking leafs. Trimming encourages the plant to grow more leaves • 4. Change your water 1-2 times per month for a happy plant. I use distilled water so my EC meter (which you really don't need) is as accurate as possible.