Metroid Brinstar Remix Kamex


Okay so like two of my closest friends share a birthday today and it was hard to keep quiet about this. Like I'm a loudmouth but I was still able to keep my mouth shut. I started these projects about maybe a month ago or so and I wanted to make a remix for both of them to kinda show my appreciation for their friendship. These guys are really kind, caring people who whether they know it or not, helped me through some tough times, but enough about personal stuff. I hope you guys like these remixes! ^^ • I'm gonna be honest. When I first heard Brinstar's theme in brawl I instantly fell in love with it, I wanted to do something with that song because it sounded so cool, but I never had the courage to do anything with it. I knew that Metroid is one of Retro's favorite franchises so I decided to push past my fear and remix it for his birthday. I once asked what his favorite genre was and he gave me such a vague answer that I just decided to say screw it, do it a certain way and hope he likes it. xD • Download ➤ • Discord server ➤   / discord   • Patreon ➤   / kamex   • Twitter ➤   / kamex_55   • #metroidremix #metroidbrinstar #brinstarremix


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