Phase 2 Educational and Pedagogical Practice


¿Necesitas la solución de esta guía ? • Pide la solución al +57 3203091543 . • Nota garantizada y no plagio escríbenos • Aquí --- • O escríbenos al correo [email protected] • General Guide for the Development of the Practical Component of the Course: Foreign Language Acquisition and Learning – 518015 • Activity Guide and Evaluation Rubric – Phase 2 - Educational and Pedagogical Practice • The activity consists of: • Please consider that this activity consists of both a theoretical and practical component that you are required to develop. It is important to dedicate attention and effort to both aspects in order to successfully complete the activity. • Pre-Task • Go to the learning environment and review, study, and analyze the contents included in Unit 1 - Theoretical Foundations in Language Acquisition. • Attend and actively participate in the webinar by filling out the attendance form. In case you are unable to attend the live session, you may review the recording and provide a summary of the content covered. Make sure to include your summary in the final document. • Theoretical Component • Step 1: Individual Theory Analysis Report • Choose three English class sessions from INVIL or another practice setting to which you have easy access, observe them and carry out the following Theory Analysis Report: • Instructions: Use the following tool to analyze and apply key theories and current trends in foreign language acquisition to interpret and discuss observed language learning scenarios in virtual lessons, demonstrating your understanding of how cognitive, social, and cultural factors impact language learning. It is necessary to use citations and reference them according to APA guidelines. • Theory Analysis Report • Names of the three observed classes • Introduction • • Overview of the course's focus on foreign language acquisition theories and current trends. • • Brief summary of the purpose of the Theory Analysis Report. • 3 • Key Theories of Foreign Language Acquisition • • Detailed explanation and analysis of selected key theories discussed in the course (e.g., behaviorism, innatism, sociocultural theory, Krashen’s Monitor Model). • • Application of each theory to observed language learning scenarios from virtual lessons. • Current Trends in Language Acquisition • • Discussion of current trends in language acquisition research (e.g., neurocognitive approaches, multilingualism and translanguaging, artificial intelligence and data analytics). • • Analysis of how these trends are reflected in the observed virtual lessons. • Cognitive Factors in Language Acquisition • • Examination of cognitive processes involved in language learning (e.g., memory, information processing). • • Reflection on how cognitive factors influence language learning outcomes in virtual educational contexts. • Social and Emotional Influences • • Analysis of social factors (e.g., interaction, motivation) and emotional factors (e.g., anxiety, affective filters) affecting language acquisition. • • Examples from virtual lessons illustrating the impact of social and emotional factors on language learning. • Contextual and Cultural Factors • • Exploration of contextual factors (e.g., learning environment, input sources) and cultural influences on language learning. • • Evaluation of how cultural context influences language acquisition processes observed in virtual lessons. • Integration of Theory with Practice • • Synthesis of theoretical insights with practical observations from virtual lessons. • 4 • • Identification of connections between theoretical concepts studied and observed language learning behaviors and outcomes. • Problematize an educational situation • • Observe and select a relevant educational situation or challenge, providing detailed context and observations. This could involve issues related to student engagement, instructional methods, assessment practices, or any aspect of the language learning process. • • Clearly articulate the problem by identifying the underlying issues or challenges, highlighting its significance to language learning and teaching. • Conclusion • • Summary of key findings and insights gained from the Theory Analysis Report. • • Reflection on implications for future language teaching practice based on the integration of theory and observation. • References • • List of scholarly sources, readings, and virtual lesson observations used to inform the Theory Analysis Report. • You can follow this template for creating your Individual Theory Analysis Report. • Step 2: Exchange ideas in the forum • Post directly on the forum the Theory Analysis Report and interchange ideas at least with 2 classmates about their analyzes. This step must be done at least five days before the deadline. • Step 3: Interactive Digital Presentation: Theory Analysis Report • Instructions: Use an educational digital tool such as Genially, Canva, Prezi, or another to create an interactive presentation of your theory analysis report, which will be used in the next phase to discuss with your


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