GRAVINATE TABLET Uses Side Effect amp How to Use in UrduHindi Dr Review
In this video, Doctor is explaining details on GRAVINATE TABLET, We are going to discuss GRAVINATE TABLET(Dimenhydrinate tablet) uses, benefits, side effects, precautions, dosage more. • 00:00 Intro • 00:27 what is GRAVINATE tablet? • 00:49 Uses of GRAVINATE tablet? • 01:48 Dosage of GRAVINATE tablet? • 02:05 Side effect of GRAVINATE table? • 02:33 Precaution of GRAVINATE tablet? • What is GRAVINATE Tablet? • GRAVINATE Tablet is an antiemetic medicine that is used in many conditions such as nausea and vomiting, and it belongs to a class called Antiemetics. • Uses of GRAVINATE Tablet? • As we have discussed that GRAVINATE Tablet is an anti-vomiting and anti-nausea drug, it happens in many conditions such as motion sickness, which is the feeling of nausea and vomiting during travel. It is used to control it. In addition, after chemotherapy, radiation therapy, or surgery, there is often a complaint of vomiting and nausea. Some people also use it during pregnancy. Doctors give it to the feeling of nausea and vomiting inside. Apart from this, there is a disease of dizziness, vertigo is also used in this, due to our body being out of balance, and there is a feeling of vomiting and nausea, so it is used. • Dosage of GRAVINATE Tablet? • GRAVINATE Tablet is a 10mg tablet to be taken on an empty stomach or one or half an hour before meals. • Side Effect of GRAVINATE Tablet? • Common side effects of GRAVINATE Tablet are: Constipation is the most common, headache, sleepiness, dizziness, dry mouth, or dry nose, allergic reactions such as rashes, etc. are formed on the skin. And itching etc. • Precautions of GRAVINATE Tablet? • Some things should be taken care of while taking GRAVINATE Tablet, like you should know that you don't have any history of allergies, besides if you have any liver disease, or you have asthma or heart disease. Or, if you have diabetes, or any other disease or respiratory disease, then use it as directed by your doctor. Also, if you are given such medicines as Antidepressants, Antipsychotics or PAIN KILLERS. Or, if you are using any sleeping medicine, consult your doctor before using it. Also, if you are under eighteen years of age, use it with the doctor's advice do. • Order Now! • • #gravinate #gravinatetablet #dimenhydrinatetablet