Golden Trinkets The Binding of Isaac Repentance
Golden Trinkets are new trinkets introduced in The Binding of Isaac Repentance. They represent more powerful trinkets of the original one by having their effect multiplied by 2. Every default trinket in the game has a chance to spawn as a golden one once unlocked by beating Mega Satan as Tainted Jacob. • If you want to more easily spawn golden trinkets via the console, copy this text into a .lua file (e.g. a new file named gold.lua) and place it into the Isaac installation folder (e.g. C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Steam\\steamapps\\common\\The Binding of Isaac Rebirth): • -------------------------------------------------- • mod = RegisterMod( Spawn Golden Trinket , 1) • function mod:OnExecuteCmd(cmd, params) • golden = 0 • trinkets = 0 • if cmd == spawngold then • Isaac.Spawn(EntityType.ENTITY_PICKUP, PickupVariant.PICKUP_TRINKET, tonumber(params) + 32768, Isaac.GetPlayer(0).Position, Vector(0, 0), nil) • end • end • mod:AddCallback(ModCallbacks.MC_EXECUTE_CMD, mod.OnExecuteCmd) • -------------------------------------------------- • After putting the file, type in luarun gold.lua in the console (or whatever you named the file). Then you can simply use the new spawngold command followed by the trinket's id. E.g. spawngold 35 will spawn a golden Curved Horn. • Join my Discord: / discord • Follow me on Twitter: / isaacguruyt • Support me on Patreon: / isaacguru • #thebindingofisaac #tboi #repentance