The NU METAL Sound PRS into a Mesa Rectifier
Thomann Affiliate: • Sweetwater Affiliate: • My personal Thomann recommendations: • My webstore for Captures, presets etc: • Thanks for supporting the channel! • Thanks for watching this video on the nu metal guitar sound! When I think of PRS guitars I tend to think of bands like Incubus, Sevendust, Limp Bizkit, POD, Linkin Park and Nickelback. A lot of those bands used (and some still do) Mesa Boogie Rectifier amps too. So that is a tone combo that does have a legedary status! This video focuses on that sound! • So with my Paul Reed Smith SC58 and Mesa Boogie Dual Mini Rectifier we aim to get that sound! My Fractal Audio X-Load LB-2, Line 6 Helix Native and OwnHammer Workhorse V30 IRs are also used. • I also took this opportunity to do another little comparison between the big Dual Rectifier and the Rectifier Twenty-five! Watch for the A/B comparison near the end! • Thanks for watching! Please drop a comment down below as I'd love to know your thoughts! Also subscribe along with the bell and follow SDS at: • / sonicdrivestudio • / sonicdrivestudio_official • #numetal #prs #rectifier #mesaboogie #dualrectifier #minirectifier #sc58 #singlecut #limpbizkit #wesborland #incubus #mikeeinziger #linkinpark #nickelback #pod #sevendust #sevendust #v30 #comparison