Simple Pine Book Shelf


As my wife was moving into her newly completed attic studio, she found that she was in need of some additional bookshelves. She has a LOT of costume, pattern, and fashion books - piles of books and reference material. She asked me, ever so sweetly, to put together some simple bookshelves that would fit in, but not overpower her space. • • Her shelves are made of Grade 2 (full of knots) Big Box Lumber Store white pine and it took about an hour to cut them out and an hour to put them together. I had some of the materials and supplies, bringing the total cost of the shelves to less than $40 each. My wife put two coats of yellow milk paint on them and then two coats of satin spar varnish, sanding lightly between coats. • • I ended up doing two versions of the shelves for her, giving her around twenty-three liner feet of shelf space in the attic and giving her shelf options for some of the large, oversized books. The two-shelf design is the one featured in this video, but I will add the link for the measured drawings for both types below. If you build a version, let me know. • Double Shelf Drawing: • • Single Shelf Drawing: • • • Milk Paint: • Spar Varnish:


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