where am i studying in september
>> YOUR LINK HERE: ___ http://youtube.com/watch?v=Qhn7NTc8BqA
the queen of indecision. the expert in overthinking. • I can't shake this feeling of regret in my last-minute decision, even though I know that it is rationally the safest and best option. aaaaaaaaaaaaaah let's go on a journey in sep!! • I also hugely appreciate how lucky I am to have this choice. This is a pandemic, not an opportunity for a holiday. I don't intend for this video to come across tone deaf to that -- there are far more important things going on in the world than where I'm studying. • if u have time to watch this, u have time to: • Petition to Ban Conversion Therapy in the UK: https://petition.parliament.uk/petiti... • Donate/Sign petitions for Breonna Taylor, whose murderers have still not been arrested: https://action.justiceforbreonna.org/... • Research one of the following today: Uighur Muslim Camps in China, modern day anti-semitism • have a beautiful day!! • ✨ CONTACT ME ✨ • Business Enquiries: [email protected] • Instagram - @unjadedjade • TikTok: @unjadedjade • 🌞 MORE 🌞 • Casual Magic of the Day: I had a haircut for the first time in 7 months and I'm in LOVE. So healthy. • Currently reading: Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself • Song I'm enjoying: I love you baby, I love you doll by Parekh and Singh • What are YOU grateful for today? • FAQ: • How old are you? ~ 20 (woah, what!! i feel old, sigh) • Where are you from? ~ The UK! Near London. • Where do you go to university? ~ Minerva Schools at KGI. I just spent my first year in San Francisco! • Did you take a gap year? ~ Yes! From 2018-2019, I interrailed Europe, worked in London, backpacked Australia, did a French language immersion in France and spent 3 months in Uganda. • CURRENT FAVOURITES — things I love recently (these are all affiliate links): • Laptop stand: https://tinyurl.com/y7fvdglm • Pip and Nut Almond Butter. Just yes: https://amzn.to/3eSEOaG • The productivity apps To-doist and Notion (both free!): https://todoist.com and https://www.notion.so • The book I'm reading: https://amzn.to/3fxS4kN (highly recommend!) • Two of my fave hair products: https://amzn.to/32ZlLX6 and https://amzn.to/32ZlLX6 • I also love the Chrome extension Momentum!: https://tinyurl.com/ped7kbq • if no one has told you today, you are enough. like, seriously. 💛