How to play Uno Attack


Learn the rules to the card game Uno Attack! quickly and concisely - This visually rich video has no distractions, just the rules. • Don't own the game? • - • - • - • - • - • - • - • - • - • - • - • (As an Amazon Affiliate, I earn from qualifying purchases) • 0:00 – Objective • 0:15 – Setup • 1:03 – New Cards • 2:44 – Calling Uno • 3:45 – Resetting Launcher • 4:02 – Playing cards • 4:20 – Out of Cards • 4:53 – 2-Player Rules • 5:18 – Challenge Rules • 5:43 – Word Card Start • RULES: • Video-How to Play Uno:    • How to play Uno (1994 Rules)   • The objective and rules for Uno Attack are the same as regular uno except for these differences: Use the assembly instructions to assemble the Uno Attack Launcher. Pick a dealer. After dealing 7 cards to each player, place the top card of the deck faceup into the discard pile on top of the launcher. Place the deck face down inside the launcher. The player left of the dealer goes first. • During play, rotate the launcher so it always faces the player whose turn it is. When it is your turn and you don’t have a play you press the button on the launcher. If nothing happens, play moves to the next person. If cards shoot out, you must add these cards to your hand. If any cards are left sticking out of the Launcher after activation, the player who caused the Launcher to activate must take these cards and add them to their hand. • The new special cards are as follows: • Hit 2 - When this card is played, the next player must hit the Launcher button twice. Their turn is then over and play continues with the next player. • Trade Hands - When this card is played, the player discarding the Trade Hands card MUST trade their hand with another player of their choosing. • Discard All – When you play this, you must discard all of the cards in your hand of the same color. For example, if a yellow “7” is in the Discard pile, you may discard all the yellow cards in your hand, with a yellow Discard All card placed on top. • Wild All Hit - When this card is played the player calls a color, then each player (beginning with the person to the discard player’s left) must press the Launcher button once. If the Launcher doesn’t shoot out any cards, play continues with the player to the left. Any cards that shoot out must be added to the player’s hand(s) who activated the Launcher before the next player hits. The player who played the Wild All Hit card does not press the Launcher button. Play then continues as normal. • Wild Hit-Fire - When this card is played the player calls a color, then the next player in the direction of play must press the Launcher button until the Launcher shoots out cards. The activating player adds the Launched cards to their hand and forfeits their turn, then play continues as normal with the next player. • When you have one card left, you must yell UNO before playing your next to last card. Failure to do this results in your having to hit the Launcher button TWICE. That is, of course, if you get caught by the other players. • If you forget to say UNO before your card touches the Discard pile, but you “catch” yourself before another player catches you, you are safe and not subject to the penalty. You may not catch a player for failure to say UNO until their second-to-last card touches the Discard pile. Also, you may not catch a player for failure to say UNO after the next player begins their turn. “Beginning a turn” is defined as either playing a card or hitting the Launcher button. • If a player goes out by discarding a Wild All Hit card or Wild Hit-Fire card, all players must follow the normal rules for these cards. A player may not go out on a Trade Hands card. Once the Discard pile reaches the same level as the top of the plastic “stopper” that holds the pile in place, reshuffle the Discard pile, reload the Launcher and continue play. • You may choose not to play a playable card from your hand. If so, you must hit the Launcher button. Your turn is then over. Any player making a card suggestion to another player must hit the Launcher button 4 times. • When you are out of cards, you get points for cards left in opponents’ hands as follows: • All cards through 9 - Face Value • Reverse - 20 Points • Skip - 20 Points • Hit 2 - 20 Points • Discard All - 30 Points • Trade Hands -30 Points • Wild - 50 Points • Wild All Hit - 50 Points • Wild Hit-Fire - 50 Points • The WINNER is the first player to reach 500 points. • The special Rules for Two Players are as follows: • 1. Playing a Reverse card acts like a Skip. The player who plays the Reverse may immediately play another card...


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