How to Build in Rust Pixelbunkers Turn Everything Into a Bunker
Turn your compound entrances into secret bunkers! - Ultra cheap and highly effective. • Rust Base Design, Rust 2021. • *** Note that though in the cellar variation, the boxes can be destroyed through the gap, they remain unlootable. That is why hiding in plain sight is the best option. The chance of someone detecting this and raiding it is tiny *** • Thanks and credit goes to hound for the idea ( / houndyt . • For more in depth information about the pixelgap mechanic, including pros and cons, read on: • • If you want to contact me for whatever reason, I'm on discord: • / discord • *If you want to send me a sweet one-time donation: • • *Business Email: • [email protected] • • • Timestamps: • 0:00 - Introduction (Song: Pixel Party ) • 0:55 - 4 Build Variations (Song: Saturday ) • All the music in this video is written and recorded by me, and is copyrighted. • GameLightz Music - • • More useful tips: • Make sure to 'attach' the foundations and tiles correctly as shown, otherwise the gap will not be formed. • Looking down the the sights of a weapon makes it much easier to spot the boxes, though I got used to doing it without. • Glowing box skins make it easier to spot the boxes, for you and but also for others. • • Regarding the Pixel-Gap mechanic: • Master builder Dirac ( / @diracbuilds ) has been recently making videos exploring this mechanic in depth, creating variable size gaps and shenanigans (highly recommended channel if you want to always be on the cutting edge of Rust building) • *Many builders have used variations of this mechanic in the past, including daddy EvilWurst, and as far as I could tell, this mechnic goes back at least 5 years with some variation (A youtube search gave me videos by a builder called Maik (now inactive), who uses a variation of this technique to stack walls (no longer possible, sadly). • A youtube search on pixel-gap did not show many videos in the recent past making practical use of this mechanic, so I made one, with what I think is probably the most concealed and cost-effective usage. • This is for sure getting patched at some point, as were previous versions of this mechanic, but it may be take some time given the underlying weirdness of the Rust build system, where triangles are not actually symmetrical. • • PROS: • 1) Cheap AF • 2) As strong as you want it to be. In my opinion, most cost-effective is the metal cellar bunker. • 3) Easy and straightforward to build. • CONS: • 1) Haven't attempted it sufficiently, but as far as I know right now, can only be done with 2 (or more) square foundations, which limits form factor. • 2) Absolute softside-protection with added honeycomb (if desired) require some extra half-walls which may raise the cost of a larger base significantly. • 3) Though I believe it to be nearly impossible to splash damage chests through the floors, it might be possible to do it. I've succeeded once out of many, many, many attempts, and I think that might have been because I forgot a piece of side wall and the damage went around. • This is why the idea of building it under the ubiquitous 2x1 gatehouse is so brilliant. Watch hound's channel for more brilliant ideas