Andrew Garfield amp Justin Timberlake Good Morning America Interview
In this Screen Tests interview, Breathe star Andrew Garfield recalls the bacchanalian story of his first kiss, which he compares to the first time getting a driver's license. The actor who used to play Spider-Man remembers dressing up as the web-slinger as a kid. For Halloween, Garfield wants to be Jareth the Goblin King, David Bowie's character in Labyrinth. Andrew also talks about his New Year's Eve tradition, his favorite toy growing up, the first major gig he landed (as Todd Hayes in Lions for Lambs), and the time he tarnished Prince's bathroom while Salma Hayek and Penelope Cruz waited in line. • Still haven’t subscribed to W on YouTube? ►► • • ABOUT W • The Who, What, Where, When, and Why in the world of fashion and style. W provides the ultimate insider experience with an original, provocative approach to art, culture, videos, travel, fashion, and beauty. • Andrew Garfield on His First Kiss, David Bowie, and Prince's Bathroom | Screen Tests | W Magazine