How To Yarn BraidsWraps
******************Please READ First Before Asking Questions****************** • The difference between these and the ones I did last year are, these are wrapped and not fully braided. This How To will show you how I did them. They would have taken me a lot longer to do if I did them by myself. I had A LOT of help from my sis, so it only took us 3 days, with a total of 22 hours. The longer you make these, the longer it will take. • Yarn Used: Red Heart 100% Acrylic Yarn(this is the only kind you are suppose to use) • It can be purchased from Walmart, Hobby Lobby, Michael's, etc. • • ************************************FAQ******************************** • How Much Yarn Did you use? • I used 1 Large Spool and 3/4 of a Small Spool • Does the yarn dry your hair out? • It did not dry my hair out the last time I did it. Before I installed them, I made sure to moisturize my hair. Also, during the duration of having them, I maintained to keep them moisturized every other day and also, made sure I used a light oil(coconut, jojoba with peppermint and tea tree oil mixed in) I also mix that in a spray bottle as well without the oils. • Can you wash your hair with the yarn in it? • Yes you can. Make sure to focus on your scalp than the actual strands. On your strands, while the shampoo is still on the scalp, you can just squeeze the strands to allow the shampoo to get in between the yarn. Rinse hair while doing it. Make sure to get all the excess water out. • Are they heavy? • Of course, when you first install them, they feel different and may be a little heavy, but I adjusted to them later on that evening, once finished. The next day couldn't tell a difference. When you wash them, yes, they will be extremely heavy because they are wet. • How long did it take to install them? • It took me 3 days to do them a total of 22 hours with the help of someone else. It may have taken me much longer if I didn't have any help. The yarn braids I did last year took me a week and it was a total of I think 19 hours. • How long do you plan on keeping them in? • I am trying to keep them in for 8 weeks. Hopefully I won't get too tired of them and take them out earlier. • Will you install them again after taking them out? • I am considering letting this be my Fall/Winter look • Do you know how many braids you did? • 77(yes I counted because I was asked the • How long were your yarn strands cut? • I measured it by my arm span, so it was about my height. I am 5'7 so that is about 67 inches. That was for both the strands braided in hair and wrapped around. • How many strands of yarn did you use? • It was a total of 7 strands for each section. 5 strands to braid in hair and 2 strands to wrap around. • Feel free to ask any other questions and leave it in the comments below... I have some footage of when I did the yarn braids, last year, with 3 strands and may post it, if I get enough people requesting and wanting it. • Check out my blog for more info and pictures. • Check out the links below on the different ways of styling yarn braids: • • Styling Yarn Braids/Genie Locs • • *4 Different Ways To Style Yarn Braids* • You can also find me on Instagram Twitter| @knottinikki • Thanks for Watching!!! • xoxo ~Nik