How to Install EZ FLOW Drain Pipe Exterior Foundation Waterproofing


Footer foundation Drain and Sealing wall. Part 1 The Prep Work. After Hurricane Irma, millions have flooded. We are working as fast as we can to help as many people as possible. • Solving a back yard flood, especially right after a hurricane, can be difficult. Here in Florida, ground water (the water table) rises and water has no place to go. Yards are flat and gravity drains might not remove the water. • A Sump Pump is usually needed. A sump basin (the sump pit) is used to collect the water from drain lines in the yard and the pump lifts the water up and out to the street. • On this property, there is gravity from the rear yard to the street at the culvert under the driveway, but the 1/2 plus acre was totally underwater from the hurricane. • 1st, If you can pump out the bulk of the water it makes it much easier to trench a gravity drain. • a good 1/3 horsepower pump will work to remove the water. Then trench a drain from the lowest point in the yard, and install a catch basin to collect the water. • • Which is Better French Drain? Gravel or Styrofoam, EZ Flow, Yard Drain • A good French Drain is Perforated Pipe Surrounded by gravel. It collects Subsurface water from low spots in the yard or under your crawlspace. • EZ Flow Drain Pipe. It is 4 perforated pipe surrounded by Styrofoam peanuts, and encased in geo-fabric. • It works the same way as gravel drain. Water floods up through the Styrofoam peanuts and into the pipe. Then a a solid pipe with gravity or a sump pump to lift the water to discharge. • EZ Flow is available from Lowes's or Home Depot . it comes in 10 foot sections. Its very light and easy for the Do It Yourselfer to install. • Which is better? They both do a good job. Only difference is cost. • • Does your pool overflow with each rain? The problem is the overflow drain. Here is an easy fix to correct the problem • Pool overflows generally discharge just a few feet from the pool patio. Find the line and dig it up . Replace the gravel drain (dry well) and add a pop up emitter. • Interior Crawl Space Waterproofing is best done with a Sump Pump and Footer Tiles. The footer tiles collect the water just like a french drain and sends it to the sump pump. The pump lifts the water up and out through the foundation wall to send it away. • Depending on how much head room you have in your crawl space, this can be an easy job or can be very difficult. Regardless, footer tiles and pump are needed to remove water from the crawl space • Be sure to install them before you put down moisture barrier or encapsulate. • Solving a back yard flood, can be difficult. As ground water (the water table) rises and water has no place to go, the yard floods. Yards are flat and gravity drains might not remove the water. • Backyard Sump Pumps move more water! A good pump can easily keep up with above average rainfall. • Size of pumps range from 1/3 horsepower to 1 horsepower. The bigger the pump, the more water it will move. • The question is always the same. Can you beat Mother Nature? The answer is always NO. However by installing a sump system is the proper place, you will be able to give the water a place to go. No more standing water! • • Apple Drains • Drainage Contractors • • Trusted Recommended • by Your Neighbors • Get The Help You Need • LIVE HELP • Video Consulting via Skype • Schedule online at • • Orlando Office • (321) 200-0685 • Schedule online • • Charlotte NC • (704) 336-9111 • Schedule online • • We Do It Everyday! • • Sump Pump, backyard, Yard drain, French drain, backyard flood, French Drain, EZ Flow, Styrofoam peanuts, Yard Drain, Gravel Drain, Curtain Drain, Storm Drain, Apple Drains, Wet Yard, Low spot hold water, how to install EZ Flow Drain, DIY, Catch basin.Crawlspace, backyard sump pump, overflow, dry well, gravel drain, apple drains, drainage contractor, Charlotte, Orlando, Tampa, Atlanta, Jacksonville


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