Cystic hydroma and nuchal edema at 1113 weeks of pregnancy
Fetal cystic hygroma represents severe spectrum of nuchal edema and in 11-13 weeks fetus commonly described as significantly increased nuchal translucency (NT). Cystic hygroma has multifactorial pathogenesis, which depends on the underlying fetal condition. Different fetal conditions have various morphologic presentations of nuchal edema. Those fetal pathologic features are easily recognizable by scanning of the fetal neck in axial views. • This clip demonstrates some of cystic hygroma/nuchal edema types and their possible associations with separate fetal syndromes and anomalies. For example nuchal edema of trisomy 21 (Down’s syndrome) is obviously different from septated cystic hygroma of Turner’s syndrome. In 11-13 weeks fetus cystic hygroma/nuchal edema can be also part of an early fetal hydrops. • Any fetus with suspicion for cystic hygroma/nuchal edema needs to have systematic and meticulous Early Fetal Scan (EF Scan), which in many cases can detect associated fetal anomalies (for example heart defects) or conditions. Early Fetal Scan (EF Scan) represents comprehensive head-to-toe ultrasound examination of the baby by trained fetal medicine specialist using high-resolution ultrasound (transabdominal or/and transvaginal). • Invasive test with microarray CGH testing (and in some cases other genetic tests) are necessary due to high association of cystic hygroma and chromosomal or genetic syndromes. • For more information about Early Fetal Scan (EF Scan) and advanced training please visit