How To Diagnose Leaks Under Your Car Autoblog Wrenched


For the last day or so I've been worried that my water may have broken. Today I'm going in to get it checked out... • Sometimes when you're pregnant it's hard to tell if what you're leaking is normal or not! LOL! It's one of those awkward things you just have to deal with. This can cause a lot of stress and worry. If you've watched our other videos you'll know that this pregnancy has already been emotional. See the link below. • I decided that I really needed to go in and see if my water had broken or if I was just worrying too much. Is this amniotic fluid? Are we in for an unexpected delivery? Am I going to have a premature baby?? • Jason got off of work early so he could watch the kids while I head out to the hospital. That means I was on my own for a while. Through all of this stress I got my answer... • Check out our previous pregnancy updates! •    • Pregnancy Updates - Our Journey To Ha...   • Colossally Awesome is a family of five: Jason, Julie, Logan (6), Liliana (4), and Hannah (1) and we would love to share our journey with you! Join us as we do our best learn and work through our busy lives. We have fun, we get crazy, we get sad, we laugh, and we spend lots of time together! • We post new videos every Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday!  • Subscribe to our channel and share our journey of ups and downs, frustrations, happiness, marriage, and children!


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