The Price The Original Animatic
Please Note: my original intent was to make this video available online only for a limited time, but because of the response from viewers, I have decided to keep it here (until work on the final film is complete). I hope you enjoy it! • By way of explanation, this is the animatic I created in 2006 which convinced author Neil Gaiman to grant me the rights to create a 3D CG animated film of his remarkable short story, The Price. The intent of this rough draft was to showcase my ability as a filmmaker and storyteller, and focused on creating an emotional template rather than to convey a visually cohesive style (which is occurring now in production with the coordinated help of artists, designers and digital sculptors). • Because music is such a vital part of telling a story cinematically, I used portions of the incredibly moving soundtrack from The Sixth Sense, (composed by one of my all-time favorites, James Newton Howard) as a temp score. • A successful Kickstarter campaign allowed production to begin in earnest, and work continues in hopes of completing the film soon. • If you are interested in following the progress of The Price, please visit the Production Blog: