Megadose Thiamine Vitamin B1 for Fibromyalgia


In this video I examine why thiamine in very high doses can be beneficial for resolving pain and fatigue in fibromyalgia. • Summary: • Various abnormalities in thiamine processing utilization have been found in FMS • Ultra high doses of thiamine were shown to provide significant benefits in one study on FMS • Thiamine has demonstrated potent antinociceptive/analgesic properties in several models of neuropathic/inflammatory pain • Research suggests that thiamine can reduce glutamate excitotoxicity in the nervous system • Thiamine can reduce hyperexcitability of neurons in the dorsal root ganglia • Thiamine can improve nerve function and has been used in various forms of neuropathy • Thiamine has the capacity to reduce neuroinflammation through multiple different mechanisms • Thiamine can kickstart the PDH enzyme to reduce lactate concentrations and improve oxidative phosphorylation • Thiamine can improve redox status and reduce oxidative stress. • Older research dating back to the 1930s shows that thiamine was commonly used for a wide variety of health conditions involving chronic pain and inflammation with excellent results. • Relatively speaking, the therapeutic potential of this nutrient is practically unknown. I have personally witnessed immense improvements in several clients with FMS using this nutrient in high doses in conjunction with the necessary nutrient cofactors. I hope that you can now appreciate the potential benefits of thiamine for improving the symptoms of fibromyalgia and have a better understanding of the potential mechanisms behind how this nutrient works. • Looking for guidance on addressing thiamine deficiency? Download my protocols here: • Purchase a clean, additive-free version of thiamine TTFD here: • Original article with references: • Find my website : • Find me on FB :   / eonutrition  


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