COLD CASE 7YearOld Kyron Horman Disappearance Remains Unsolved After Attending Science Fair
On June 4, 2010, Kyron was taken to school by his stepmother, Terri, who stayed with him while he attended a science fair. Terri stated that she left the school at around 8:45 a.m. and that she last remembered seeing Kyron walking down the hall to his first class. However, he was never seen in his first class and was instead marked as absent that day. • Adventures With Purpose steps in on this case remembering that 1.5 years earlier they pulled a Red Wagon from a nearby boat ramp on Sauvie's Island. • DID IT HAVE SOMETHING TO DO WITH KYRON'S DISAPPEARANCE? • In late June 2010, in the midst of the investigation into Kyron's disappearance, Kaine Horman was reportedly told by investigators that Terri had offered their landscaper, Rodolfo Sanchez, a lot of money to kill her husband. Sanchez testified in a deposition that Terri approached him to help kill her husband in January 2010, five months before Kyron's disappearance. • Terri failed two separate polygraph examinations regarding Kyron's disappearance. • On June 1, 2012, Kyron's mother, Desiree Young, filed a civil lawsuit against Terri claiming that she was responsible for the disappearance of Kyron. • The lawsuit attempted to prove that Terri had kidnapped Kyron on the day he disappeared. • Young sought $10 million in damages from Horman. • In early October 2012, Spicher refused to answer any of the 142 questions posed to her during a deposition regarding Young's lawsuit. Among these questions were ones regarding Spicher's whereabouts on June 4, 2010, and her contact with Terri that day. She also declined to identify a photo of Kyron, whether she had met him before or not, and whether she knew his father, Kaine. • During testimony provided by Kaine Horman in a separate hearing the same year, he stated that police had told him they have more probable cause to think Terri Horman was involved in Kyron's disappearance than they did two years ago. • On July 30, 2013, it was announced that Young had dropped the lawsuit against Terri so as not to interfere with the ongoing police investigation. • Local and state police, along with the FBI, conducted an exhaustive search for Horman and launched a criminal investigation but have not uncovered any significant information regarding the child's whereabouts. His disappearance sparked the largest criminal investigation in Oregon history. • ============= • Hug the ones you love and reach out to those in need. • We are humbled by the opportunity all of you have given us to help Kyron's family in the search for answers as to where Kyron might be. • The AWP Movement would not be possible without your support, helping us travel the US offering our services for FREE to families searching for their lost loved ones... Thank you! • HOW CAN YOU HELP? • ====================== • 🎬 Become a part of the AWP Family and support our efforts with a Monthly Donation. You'll GET VIDEOS EARLY as our way of saying thank you... ➤ • 🎯 When you Help Us Grow by Liking, Commenting, Sharing, and Subscribing, other families who need our services are more likely to find us and request our assistance for FREE. Subscribe Now...➤ • YOUR PURCHASES HELP SOLVE COLD CASES OF MISSING LOVED ONES... • 🚣♀️ INFLATABLE BOATS - FISHING MAGNETS - DONATIONS • 👕 T-Shirts - Stickers - AWP Merch..➤ • Want to tell us about a case? • Email: [email protected] • ================== • 🎬🍿 Watch More of Our Episodes • SOLVED 8-Month-Old Missing Person Case (Nicholas Allen) • • SOLVED 8-Month-Old Missing Person Cas... • Solved Missing Persons Case... Nathan Ashby • • Solved Missing Persons Case... Bringi... • SOLVED 7-Month-Old Missing Persons Cold Case (BILL SIMMONS) • • SOLVED 7-Month-Old Missing Persons Co...